Friday, August 31, 2007
Fundraising Efforts
Just a couple of the great events are listed below.
Andina Restaurant - one of Portland's premiere dinning experiences (see: - is holding a fundraising dinner.
When: Sunday, September 2, 2007 from 5:00 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. Bar Mestizo is open for cocktails and tapas from 4:00 p.m. to midnight.
Where: Andina Restaurant 1314 NW Glisan St, Portland, OR 97209. Reservations: 503-228-9535
Event Description: In response to the 8.0 earthquake in Peru, The Andina Restaurant has teamed up with Mercy Corps. The Platt-Rodriguez family will donate 10% of net dinner sales at Andina, named 2005 Restaurant of the Year by the Oregonian, on Sunday, Sept. 2 to Mercy Corps' Peru Earthquake response.
"We are concerned about the well being of all the people who live and work in Peru, especially the regions of Pisco and Chinca, which were devastated by the earthquake," said Peter Platt, son of Doris Rodriguez de Platt, who owns Andina with her family. "This benefit is our way to do what we can to help others in our native country."
More Information: Please contact The Andina Restaurant at (503) 228-9535 for reservations or book online at:
The Mission of Alto Cayma and Father Alex Busuttil (along with his congregation in Alto Cayma, Peru) are also creating a fundraising drive - amongst some of the poorest citizens of Latin America. From an e-mail report posted by Jim Hintz:
"Dear Friends of Alto Cayma,Father Alex has done a masterful job of organizing the people of Alto Cayma to come to the aid of their stricken countrymen in nearby Ica/Pisco/Chincha. Neighborhood by neighborhood, Ada¡n and a crew of volunteers are going house to house to collect donated clothing and food.
Not only that, Father Alex has challenged the people, poor as they are, to contribute 2.50 soles (about 75 cents U.S.) per family in cash. He expects 6,000 families to respond, which will provide enough money to buy 6 tons of rice.When I heard what these poor people are doing, I couldn't help but think of us from the exterior, the "Serving Alto Cayma family".
This message (and the weekly Reports) goes to 300 addressees. If each one were to contribute $20, we could raise $6,000 to turn over to Father Alex to supplement what he's already doing. Of course, I know that not all 300 are going to contribute, because you are already doing so much in so many areas, but if 40% of us could contribute $50 each we could achieve the same end result.Many of you have already responded, for which we thank you.
For those of you who have not yet participated and would like to do so, please make your check out to Advent Peru Mission Support Fund, with Earthquake Relief on the memo line, and mail the check to Susan Hartsell, 1025 Autumnwood Lane, Charlotte, NC 28213"
As always - anyone interested in making a tax deductible donation to the HBI "Earthquake Relief Fund" can donate on-line at: The money we receive through your generous contributions will go to support Peruvian and International NGOs providing relief and comfort directly to the victims of the earthquake. In addition, your donations will go toward the support and development of long-term, sustainable community development projects in areas hardest hit by the earthquake.
Please send an e-mail to indicating that you have made a donation towards the HBI "Earthquake Relief Fund." Thank you for your continued support!
Sunday, August 26, 2007
An Update from Billy Clark at Union Biblica del Peru
As the dust just begins to settle, the people of Peru need our prayers and warm wishes more than ever.
Billy Clark writes in an e-mail to family and friends:
"God´s blessings are often followed by opportunities to bless others. Last Wednesday I had returned home early. A star intern had suggested I spend a few moments with Yashmín and the girls. She would take the work team to dinner and on to the airport.
It was strange but we were happy. Hope bounced on my knees. Faith danced her favorite salsa in a pink fairy tale gown and Grace sat across the room pretending to read a picture less chapter on pre-Columbian textiles. Yashmín smiled.
Suddenly, the windows rumbled. A windy day? A truck passing by? Something fell in the bathroom. I turned to Yashmín. She winked at me but fear had replaced a twinkle in here eye.
Grace looked up. “What´s that?”
“What,” said Faith, “I´m dancing”
“Come baby”, I said. I held Hope, her white finger tips pressing against my neck.
“Es un terremoto, mi amor”, said Yashmín (It´s an earthquake) in a calm voice as we locked eyes and moved carefully toward the stairs.
The garden would be safer, or the seismic-proof doorway, which was as far as we got.
Two minutes after that first rumble and it was all over. We huddled for a moment and then life resumed.
7.9 at the epicenter and only two hours from us, my friend Alan stood in the street. By the time he had made it to the pavement the solid mud walls and thatched roof of his house collapsed. Within 120 seconds he was homeless.
He stood with his family, but his story is very different than mine. No house to return to, no books to read or dancing. He will wake to face tomorrow in a lonely park of strangers, beneath a tent. Hungry, he will ration his food for later, thirsty he will swallow hard. He will pray and he will wait.
Rescue efforts are challenged by fallen bridges and swallowed up roads. Our government has created an “air bridge” to send in emergency aid. Our dead can be buried but our wounded must be helped. Getting to Alan will not be easy. Through common friends we have reached him with a bit of money, some food and water. We have old camp tents that can be used and we will draw up plans to rebuild.
Hard to imagine someone I work with so closely losing so much. Pray for Alan and for his family and for the hard days ahead."
Anyone interested in making a tax deductible donation to the HBI "Earthquake Relief Fund" can donate on-line at:
Please send an e-mail to indicating that you have made a donation towards the HBI "Earthquake Relief Fund." Thank you for your continued support!
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
An Update from Union Biblica del Peru

"Dear friends,
Over 500 dead, approximately 253,000 people left homeless as 45,000 buildings and houses collapsed in last Wednesday's major Earthquake (8,0 magnitude. Duration: 2 full minutes). Construction is of large, heavy adobe mud brick high walls, so it has not been easy to remove the rubble to get out the bodies. 80% of Pisco (population 125,000) destroyed. 90% of businesses in Ica affected. Many of you have stayed in the Hotel Sol de Ica when you were here on a work team. Its two top floors - both front building overlooking the street and the one over the pool, crashed to the ground. Just yesterday they recovered 40 bodies from another hotel. And so it goes.
Linda went to Chincha with a van full of water in bottles. The people crushed against the windows begging. They were desperate. Heaps of rubble, no food, no sewage for the few who ever had it, but worst of all, no water to drink. I have been wondering how I’d react under similar stress. Looting is rife. Trucks and buses coming through are being assaulted. People who never imagined that they would act this way are joining in these things. Would I be one of them? Before I answer the question, I must realize that I have never been there. So people no longer feel safe, especially because the prison collapsed and over 600 inmates escaped. Most of them were there on charges of robbery. I just got a phone call from Abdon in Kawai asking for help in security for our boys in Casa Girasoles, as armed robbers are in the vicinity.
The Vine Trust of Scotland is sponsoring four soup kitchens, each for 100 children: One in Ica, One in Chincha and two in Pisco. We are once again immensely grateful for help from them and from others of you who are responding with prayer backing and money.
The world will soon forget. The international media will have other things to report. Even here, there will be instant solidarity, but it too will rapidly fade. The thousands of homeless will live their tragedy for a long time to come.
The good news is that like others, we too in Union Biblica are being helped by folk like you to do something about it:
- Construction at Kawai, save for fallen walls, has been suspended. The work team there will at their request, be deployed to the disaster area to help clear up rubble, assist in our feeding centers, etc.
- Water now flows from our well in Ica. Some is given away right there from the swimming pool. More is taken and being delivered by water trucks to more distant places in the desert.
- Our 30 tents have been given away and are now providing shelter for victims.
- Our Schools staff and Street Boy staff are joining forces in the 4 feeding centers.
- The Parish Church of Cupar Old and St. Michael of Tarvit in Scotland are building our home for street boys in Ica. This was to be completed by early 2009, but the Vine Trust has advanced the funds to be able to move ahead now in order to open the home in early 2008 with boys we come across through our Feeding Centers.
I'm not sure at this point how many of the 24 schools where we work in the area have fallen (all 5 in Pisco did), but all have been closed down, so Marco and his volunteers are free to work in our Emergency program, guaranteeing that all 400 children hear the Gospel. As Elaine Duncan of the Scottish Bible Society reminded us, others will join us in the relief area, but only Christians can share the Good News.
Once again, a big thank you to all who are helping at this crucial time. The earthquake lasted two minutes, but the great need will continue for some time to come.
Paul and Marty"
The Rebuilding Has Just Started
It has been reported that Peruvians are paying as much as $40 (USD) for a one-way bus ticket out of Pisco - a fare that normally costs $7 (USD). Price gouging, corruption, gang related fear and rampant violence - these are the REAL issues that are acutely pressing on the Garcia Administration; an administration that is under fire for there reported unorganized approach to aid distribution. A spokeswoman for the World Food Program, Christiane Berthiaume, says it is difficult to get aid to the survivors because roads are bad, traffic is heavy and a major bridge leading to the quake-hit city of Pisco is damaged. Nevertheless, she says more food and other aid is getting in and being distributed.
President Garcia announced the start of fumigation operations across the town of Pisco to head off diseases before they turn into possible epidemics, and more than 1,000 police and soldiers were deployed to halt the looting that has sown fear among the battered population. It has been reported that plans are in the works to provide temporary lodgings for the mostly poor families whose rudimentary adobe and brick homes had come crashing down. Permanent relocation efforts are being developed - but who knows where the money will come from to house the estimated 180,000 homeless people.
On a separate note of hope and a pure show of Andean solidarity - the Taiwan Times noted that Bolivian President Evo Morales and his vice president pledged half their salaries to the earthquake victims, while Cabinet ministers gave one-quarter of their wages. In addition, an Israeli delegation of physicians and health care professionals are on their way to Peru to provide medical and technical assistance to the people affected by the quake. Finally, a team from the Canadian Animal Assistance Team (CAAT) is sending 31 volunteer veterinarians and technicians to the country next week to treat Peruvians' wounded animal companions.
A generous outpouring of support and assistance has come from all around the globe. The true test of our commitment to help the people of Peru will be in 8-12 months when the aid agencies are long gone and the real work of community development is underway.
HBI's commitment is to build support for our in-country partners as they settle in for the "long haul" of community re-building and program development. You may make a donation to the work of HBI at - all the funds will go to support the work of NGOs helping Peruvian citizens.
Thank you for your prayers and commitment to the people of Peru - the work of rebuilding has only just begun!
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Request for Donations
HBI will make donations to other non-governmental organizations (NGOs) working to provide relief and assistance to communities hardest hit by this disaster. The actual expenditure of funds will be subject to the HBI Board's discretion - so that funds are dedicated to earthquake relief efforts and do not duplicate efforts by other NGOs.
In addition, HBI is seeking donations to help with long range community development through our partner organizations working in Ica, Canete, Pisco and Mala. The goal of HBI in this time of great need is to support the acute disaster response efforts of other NGOs and to help build future programs and projects through our in-country partners like Union Biblica del Peru, the Anglican Church of Peru, the Mission of Alto Cayma and the Peruvian NGO "Serviendo Logrando Paz."
Anyone interested in making a tax deductible donation to the HBI "Earthquake Relief Fund" can donate on-line at:
Please send an e-mail to indicating that you have made a donation towards the HBI "Earthquake Relief Fund." Thank you for your continued support!
Looting, Hunger and Civil Unrest

A lack of access to potable water (aid agencies report that nearly 80% of the people in the earthquake zone do not have access to clean water), food and shelter are creating a "mob like" mentality in the region. Add to this complex situation the fact that nearly 600 criminal offenders (authorities were still trying to trace the where about of some 600 criminal offenders - reportedly including rapists and murderers - who escaped from the Tambo de Mora prison in Chincha Alta during the earthquake) are on the streets of Chincha and the surrounding communities - and the situation is rather grime.
News agencies have been reporting broad spread looting and "gang" activity. People desperate for food and water are taking to the streets as the Peruvian government works to quell the spread of any potential epidemic diseases, bring basic necessities to the devastated areas, and restore hope to a battered people. The next few days will be very important for the Peruvian government - as the people of the quake zone will strongly look to Garcia and his cabinet to ensure order and deliver on his promises of creating "normality" in the region.
Meanwhile in the heart of all of the chaos, the search for survivors continues on many fronts. British experts in disaster response lead by Mr. Paul Wooster, coordinator of the Rapid UK rescue team, told the Toronto Star New Service that rescuers were using sound detectors and infrared cameras to search for survivors. The latest survivor discovered, a man, was pulled from the rubble at midday Friday. However, as time passes, the hope of finding more survivors becomes smaller and smaller.
Please help to keep hope alive by praying for the people of Peru.
Friday, August 17, 2007
Internatioanl Aid for Peru: Help is on the Way
After an extensive "donors conference" on Friday (attended by multi-national organizations and governments) - it should be noted that Peru has received 40 million dollars in international aid to help with relief efforts, the Peruvian Agency for International Cooperation (APCI) said Friday.
The amount includes 5 million dollars in funds and humanitarian aid received since the quake, and another 5 million dollars granted at a meeting of international donors on Friday in Lima and 30 million dollars offered by the United Nations, APCI President Agustin Haya de la Torre said.
Earthquake Update from Union Biblica
"Dear friends all over the world!
How grateful we are for friends like you! During the past 24 hours, we have received more than 60 e-mails asking for news and assuring us of your prayers. We have also received phone calls from 10 of you who were able to make connection. We know that several others tried to no avail. The phones are working for periods of time and then they are cut again. We want to assure you that we personally along with Phoebe, our granddaughter, are safe as well as Billy, our son, and his family. It was quite frightening at the time as it lasted for 2 minutes which is quite long for an earthquake. Since then we have had dozens of aftershocks (tremors). All schools were closed today and Peru, especially from Lima towards the south to Ica, has been declared in a state of emergency.
The epicenter of the 8.0 earthquake that we experienced at 6:40 p.m. yesterday (August 15) was near the city of Pisco (100 plus miles south of Lima), along the Nazca Fault Line that runs along our Pacific Coast. It is estimated that 80% of the city was destroyed. The death count has passed the 500 mark and is steadily rising.
Some of you will remember Ica, the city in the dry desert where water is always scarce. Today, with the old pipelines shattered, there is no water. God has blessed us with one of the few wells in Ica. We have opened the gates and people are coming in to fill their pails with water from our pool. There is no electricity in the town at this time, so we cannot activate the 150 foot deep well. Once we can, we'll keep the water flowing. Our 5 Ica camp tents are being used by S.U. volunteers whose houses have collapsed. No damage was done to any of our buildings that are under construction for a new street boys' home and campsite.
The bridge between Lima and Ica has collapsed and meager help is therefore slow to get through. Our local news is full of pictures of people in the rubble beside dead bodies, quite lost as to knowing what to do. Having asked ourselves 'what would Jesus do?', we have decided to give away our Kawai tents, used in our camping season (Jan.-Mar) People out in the open, need help now. Marco Cordova (Ica staff worker) will receive them from us at the bridge and assures us he can get them over to those who need them.
Jose Principe (Pepe) is our staff worker in Arequipa. He is safe, but huge, thick adobe walls crashed in his home near Ica.
Several of you have asked about Kawai. Rosa, Raul and the 30 abandoned boys, some of them badly frightened, gathered in front of Casa Girasoles to sing and pray. Our Lord quieted them. No major damage was done there.
Abdon and Hermenegilda's house will have to be torn down. Severely damaged, it was on the verge of collapsing. This poses an immense financial problem for us. They have been moved to Villa Margarita for the moment.
Sadly, parts of the stained glass window of the Kawai Chapel is broken. But, we praise God for no loss of life.
40 feet of the southern boundary wall fell down and will have to be rebuilt.
We do not yet know the condition of the 48 schools we work in throughout that area nor details of the four and a half thousand children who are in our Christian Value classes.
Last minute: even as this letter is being written, Linda (our schools National Director) phoned in tears. Those of you who have worked in the schools near Kawai and Mala, will remember Alan, our staff worker. He lives with his sister, mother and grandmother in Chincha. Their house is now completely gone - a mound of earth and broken adobes covering their belongings. Linda and Moises, her husband, will leave tomorrow at 6 a.m. taking with them some supplies and particularly water, of which Alan has none. They, like others, have not had water for more than 24 hours now.
Many of you asked: What can we do? What do you need? Let us know how we can help. I would like to be of assistance if I can from this distance. Can we help? Anything we foreign supporters can do to help? Please let us know if we can help in anyway. Please let us know of any additional needs.
So, we have made a list that you might be able to help towards. Obviously, you cannot send blankets, warm clothing, nor food which is being collected here in Lima through some of the churches and civic organizations . . . but, at this moment, we need:
* House for Abdon (good construction, not adobe) $20,000.
* Help for Alan $5,000
* 30 tents for Kawai to replace those being given @$90 each
* 40 ft. of wall @$40 per ft. $1,600
Donations from the U.K. can be sent to S.U. (scripture Union) England for their Peru account earmarked for the project you would like to participate in. From the U.S., a personal check can be made out to Union Biblica del Peru and sent to:
Union Biblica del Peru
% Paul Clark
Apartado 3159
Lima 1, Peru
The check needs to state in the memo section how you want it used.
We have a work team from S.U. England in Kawai until Saturday. The Oak Hall (England) team that arrived last night spent their first day in Chosica due to the road to Kimo being covered with rocks and debris. They have been clearing it today and tomorrow, the bus will take off with the group of 23 for the jungle. Another team from New York is in Kusi, so the work goes on in the midst of earthquakes!! "
As more information is made available, HBI will post updates to this Blog. Once again, please join me in praying for the people of Peru. They must know that they are not alone!
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Pray for the People of Peru

Ernesto and I listened to web-casts and phoned family and friends in Lima until we were satisfied that we had gathered enough information to know that what we were seeing and reading on web based news pages was accurate and "real." He and I both prayed that his family and all of our beloved friends in Lima and Peru were safe and unharmed.
The Death Toll and Devastation Continue to Increase
It has been reported that survivors wearing blankets against the winter cold walked like ghosts through the ruins. The United Nations reports that dozens of bodies lay beneath bloodstained sheets at damaged hospitals where doctors are struggling to help more than 1,500 injured victims of crush injuries and quake related trauma. Reports from the Forbes Website indicate that hundreds of patients are being "staged" on cots and in walkways outside the hospitals in the coastal cities, fearing more aftershocks would send the structures crashing down.
The center of the destruction was in Peru's southern desert - specifically in the oasis city of Ica (a community where Union Biblica del Peru has a orphanage and mission camp). The coastal port of Pisco, about 125 miles southeast of the capital, Lima, was also strongly impacted by the quake and the after tremors. Humanitarian relief and aid is being carried out by OxFam, the International Red Cross and the Peruvian Governments Disaster Relief Teams. Physicians, nurses and health care professionals have been bused to the southern cities of Ica and Pisco to help with patient care and community stabilization.
It is not known at this time how many lives have been lost in this tragic event - but one thing is certain, the people of Peru need our warm wishes and prayers . . . now more than ever.
Earthquake Update
Marty Clark from Union Biblica del Peru writes - "the 30 boys along with Rosa and Raul are fine at Kawai. Frightened, but safe. Abdon's house is quite cracked and with another hard shake might fall down. Tomorrow, we will go and find out. We THINK that Alan's house in Chincha fell, but we need to confirm that. Pepe (another school's worker) lost 2 walls of his house. We are trying to find out about Ica, but the phone lines are down in many we don't know too much."
Word from Arequipa and the Alto Cayma project is also good. Jim Hintz reports - "I know that many of you are worried about the earthquake that occurred in southern Peru yesterday evening. Fortunately for us in Arequipa, we felt it but it didn't do any major damage. Telephone and internet service was affected, however, so I couldn't respond to any messages last night. As you know, the quake was centered near Ica, which is between here and Lima but much closer to Lima, and the damage there was much greater even than in Lima. We have visitors, Bob and Betty Edelen, who are headed this way, but they had not left the States at the time the quake hit."
Please continue to keep our friends and the people of Peru in your thoughts and prayers. More information to follow.
Earthquake Rocks Coastal Towns of Peru
HBI works in collaboration with our Peruvian partner Union Biblica just north of the town of Ica. Union Biblica, a faith based social service organization, runs a home for homeless boys and a camp for community development just outside of the town of Mala. At this hour no information is available regarding the Union Biblica Kawai property or the damage experienced in the town of Mala.
As more information is made available, HBI will post updates on our partner organizations and the Peruvian people who are so dear to our hearts. Please keep the people of Peru in your thoughts and prayers.
Sunday, August 5, 2007
Outreach Trip In October

Saturday, August 4, 2007
The Carabayllo Project
Their primary source of income is the recycling of garbage and industrial waste. A major issue facing the community is the open pit incineration of industrial plastics and automobile batteries. Through the liberation of lead in the incineration process, many of the children living in the Lomas de Carabayllo area have suffered extensive adverse health affects (see: Overwhelmingly, the greatest need is a more formal plan for reducing the amount of lead exposure and intoxication. Equally compelling is the need for a more concerted treatment and laboratory tracking program in the community.
HBI has worked with the community of Valle Sagrado in Carabayllo to address the issues of lead exposure and illness - today, the community is free of open pit incineration and
In June of 2007, HBI helped to bring desperately needed winter clothing to over 140 children living in Valle Sagrado. Locally purchased track suits and warm weather clothing were distributed to every child in the community as per the request of community leaders. Future outreach and program development in Carabayllo will be directed by the community and their self selected leaders. Our goal in working with the community of Carabayllo is to help them reach their stated goals through building "bridges" to resources and needed infrastructure.