Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Connecting the dots

I have been traveling a ton this last six weeks. New York (more than once), LA, Miami, Chicago, Pittsburgh, Providence, West Virginia, Seattle, Washington, DC, and Atlanta - to name but a few.

Every place is a bit different. There is, however, a lot of similarity. The one thing that is almost ubiquitous is the seeming lack of social service resources that punctuates every community. I intentionally use the word "seeming," because the resources are often hidden.

All of the programs I have visited are doing amazing work. For some, they have dedicated their work toward housing resources, for other programs their resources are grounded in health care services delivery. The common denominator for every program is the emphasis they place in investing their resources into only a handful of programmatic activities. This works. They are very proficient and skillful providers.

The piece that falls off is the fact that people most seem to need comprehensive services. As such, many programs struggle to truly meet the needs of the clients they serve. The tool that every community has to overcome this "lack of comprehensive resources" is collaboration.

When communities come together to share their resources (i.e., their best practices) - the client is more effectively served. This is not as easy as it may sound. The challenge becomes working to build bridges of collaboration. This is the focus of HBI. We work to identify community resources - and then build collaborative opportunities for programs to work in partnership.

This "bridge building" model seems to be the most effective mechanism for shaping lasting change. HBI is an organization that is dedicated to building bridges. Bridges between resources and need. Bridges between opportunities and allies. Bridges of Hope.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Epic Run 2011

Health Bridges International is sponsoring an exciting fundraising event in December 2011. The First Annual Bridging the Divide: 100 Kilometers for the Poor, will take place on two challenging courses through some of the poorest areas in Lima, Peru and the high-altitude city of Arequipa, Peru.

HBI will be holding two charity runs in the two principle cities of Peru. In Lima we will run a course that takes us from high sand hills to the Pacific Ocean; and in Arequipa, we will run up and down high Andean foothills. This two-event run will draw greater attention to the needs of the poor and highlight the opportunity to better support Peruvian organizations. HBI will be partnering with Peruvian healthcare NGO's to emphasize the health and medical needs of people living in extreme poverty in Lima and Arequipa.

The logistics for the event are as follows:
(1) Dates: The runs will take place on December 10 and December 13. Runners who decide to join HBI, will need to be in Peru by December 08. Every major carrier (LAN Chile, Continental, Delta, American) and a few lesser airlines (Taca, Spirit Airlines, Copa Airlines), have flights from the east and west coast of the U.S. (Miami, Los Angeles, New York, Houston, San Francisco, and Atlanta) into Lima.

(2) Details: We are only taking 5-runners on this trip.* The logistics and the planning are such that we need to limit the number of participants. If you are interested - please contact Ben Grass (HBI's Director of Operations; as soon as possible. We will close out the slots on a first come first go basis.

(3) Fundraiser: We are asking anyone who chooses to join Health Bridges International for this event to help raise donations and support. Every runner is expected to raise a minimum of $1,000 in pledges or donations. Participants will receive information to help explain the logistics and methods for fundraising. All donations to HBI are tax deductible and go directly to help support programs and projects for the poorest communities in Latin America.

(4) Preparations: The run will take place during the Latin American summer months (think Southern Hemisphere). Plan for hot weather in Lima and warm weather at very high altitude (8,000 feet above sea level) in Arequipa. We will have all of the supplies taken care of - from food to clean water to hotel accommodations. You will need to be prepared to run two 50km "races" in three days. This is not going to be an easy event. And, it will be the adventure of a lifetime . . . guaranteed!

(5) Trip Costs: Participants will need to budget for the following (approximate) expenses:


Expected Cost

Air travel – international


Air travel – Domestic


Room and Board (we will cover room, transfers, most meals and general supplies)


Event Costs




We will need to get hotel rooms, rent vehicles and start the planning really soon. So please get in contact with Ben Grass ( as soon as possible. Until then - start running.

* HBI reserves the right to screen runners for their ability to complete this very challenging event.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

You are Helping to Make a Difference

July has been a fantastic month for HBI. Here are three great ways that you have helped to make a difference:

Team Peru: Our Team Peru 2011 Outreach campaign was our most successful to date. We had record numbers of volunteers and trip participants. We served more people in the first week of the trip than ever before (please see our numbers below) and made significant alliances with local organizations working in Ica and Arequipa. It was a fantastic team effort, thanks in great part to your generosity.

Statistics from week one Team Peru 2011:
  • General and pediatric medical visits: 902
  • Dental care: 221 (extractions, restorative care [fillings, cleanings, etc.], and advanced procedures)
  • Toothbrushes dispensed: 750+
  • Eye screenings for visual acuity and cataracts: 700+
  • Potential cataract operation patients: 160
  • Neonatal Resuscitation Training Program (NPR Trainings): 4 trainings to Ministry of Health clinics and staff with over 70 attendees (physicians, nurses, midwives, etc.)
  • Training in Rehabilitation Medicine at Alas Peruanas University in Ica: 50 physical therapy student attendees
  • Health Education talks on: Nutrition, Healthy Pregnancies, Dental Care, Tooth Brushing, HIV/AIDS prevention, Hand Washing
  • Glasses are being prepared for 22 formerly homeless boys living at the Union Biblica Casa Girasoles in Ica
HBI Website and Blog: July was a record month for the number of visitors to the HBI website and blog. Throughout the month we had over 680 visitors to the blog and over 1,000 visitors to the website. Certainly, this does not put us in the category of Facebook, but it is a firm indication of our growing community of followers and dedicated HBI volunteers. Please keep coming back. We are working on ways to enhance the website and provide more timely blog posts and organizational updates. Connecting to you, our stakeholders, is critical to our work.

Advocacy: During the Team Peru trip, our team had a young girl come to the campaign seeking help. She was living in a violent home and wanted help getting out. Through careful advocacy with our Peruvian partners and professional colleagues, we were able to help place the girl in a supportive environment. This advocacy, helping to build a social safety-net in fragile, poverty stricken communities, is only made possible through your generosity and commitment to the work of HBI. Through your assistance, we were able to truly make a difference. Through your help - we are changing the world!