Sunday, May 31, 2009

"Power Post" Number 2

There is not a day that goes by that I am not thinking about (or physically working on) HBI.

My thoughts range from the programs and projects that we are facilitating or organizing, our fundraising and donor base development, ongoing efforts to build our "stakeholder" pool, the work to develop a greater structure that will ensure that we have a sustainable infrastructure to carry our work into the future, and the many people we are fortunate to serve.

Today my time will be spent working on the fiduciary reports and programmatic updates that I will deliver to the HBI Board of Directors at our next Board meeting in 1-week. The work that goes into ensuring good communication between the staff of HBI and our Board of Directors is very important; and often times an "under the radar screen" type of activity that many people do not realize is seminal to the work of any good non-governmental organization.

Yesterday I had an e-mail exchange with Karen (HBI's Nursing Care Coordinator and Project Coordinator who lives and works out of Arequipa, Peru). She "said" (wrote in one of her e-mails) something that really had a strong impact on me. She said that she loves the work that we are doing so much that it rarely feels like work - and more specifically feels like a "lifestyle." She said that she was not worried about getting burned out by her seemingly endless 14-hour work days - because she knows how much of a difference we are making in people's lives.

Working with people like Karen is an amazing privilege and makes such a huge difference in my life.

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