Monday, December 14, 2009

Change - Yes we can

It is possible - really possible, for us to change the world. How? It has got to start with a massive level of committment on the part of everyone.wwd_world2.jpg

If everyone in the United States committed to volunteer one day per month - imagine the change that would happen. Here is what I am proposing - suppose everyone in the United States spent 4-hours each month volunteering with some organization, project, or program.

The key would be that the volunteer experience must be focused on making a difference in another person's life. This could be working with the Humane Society helping to create greater adoption options to find good homes for abandon animals or helping with a local Food Bank to inventory their stockroom. Whatever the volunteer experience - it must be about stepping outside of yourself. It must be about giving a part of yourself to another through service.

Imagine the possibilities. We really could (scratch that word) - we really CAN change the world!

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