Sunday, January 24, 2010

Day 2 - Arequipa

Photo: A look from the front stoop of the volunteer house - not too shabby!

I did it. I actually did it. I had my very first meeting totally in Spanish - without a translator.

Okay, it was really bad (3-grade level) Spanish that I was speaking; but, the meeting went very well and everyone pretended to understand me. I may be a little too naive?!

I have two more full days left and 5-days worth of meetings and plans to facilitate. I have my fingers crossed really tight that it will all work out. Tomorrow is going to be very full - with a few meetings yet to be scheduled.

One thing I never cease to be amazed by in my work - things seem to fall into place. If you need 4-hours to have 4-meetings and you only have 2-hours - something happens to allow everything to flow together.

Tonight I will be meeting with a group from St. Olaf's College in Minnesota. They are all pre-medical and pre-dental college students and are here for a service experience. I am looking forward to hearing about their adventures - as they have been in Peru for over 3-weeks already.

Okay - that's it for now. More to come.

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