To say that the District is having a snowstorm is a substantial understatement. The amount of snowfall is record in its volume. I am "stuck" (literally - as there are no flights out until Monday) in the DuPont Circle area and have a two-day hiatus from my normal schedule.
It is interesting to break one's "normal" life-cycle and take a forced break. I feel caught between two emotions - one, I miss my family and want to be with them; two - I am provided a real luxury of totally resting, catching up on work, and having unstructured free-time.
The temptation is to get totally caught up on my work (let's just be totally honest, I will never truly "catch-up" on my work); this is a bit of a false door, as I would end up getting back home just as tired as ever. Rather, I can take advantage of this time to rest, relax and really focus my energies.
There is much work to be done in our goal to transform the world by building bridges of collaboration and cooperation - and I am excited by this great opportunity to really re-charge my batteries.
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