Photo: Chalk art on the sidewalk leads the way to the conference
Photo: The plush conference rooms at the Emory University Medical School were great venues for the workshop presentations

Photo: A "home made" sign suggests a very casual conference, but behind the sheet was an amazing level of sophistication and organization.
Bob and I spent all day with an interesting and passionate group of providers from around the globe. The topics of discussion have been varied and engaging. This afternoon, Bob moderated a session on "Latin American Partnerships." The session was an opportunity for projects and programs who are interested in working in L. America (or already working in L. America) to meet and talk about areas for collaboration and partnership. The level of networking that occurred in this 60-minute session was inspiring.
We met a number of really exciting people who are doing amazing work in Peru. Two young people really stand out for me. They are both working through their church to provide a bridge to a program in Peru (based out the United States - Not for Sale) that advocates for the needs of sex trafficked girls. These two young, very energetic, extremely intelligent people are working to bring attention to a desperate problem. In the past year, they have traveled to Peru three separate times to work with the project. While I was listening to them describe their experiences and the program they are involved in supporting . . . I thought to myself - "We are the perfect partner agency for their work, no wonder we are here this weekend."
Their passion and dedication was evident from the first moment I started talking with them. We have already had a preliminary level of conversation about ways that we maybe able to partner our work to help bring medical, dental and social support services to young women living in extreme poverty and struggling with immense and repeated traumatization. If nothing else comes out of this weekend conference - I would say our trip to Atlanta has been a huge success. I can't even imagine the opportunities that will arise tomorrow.
Perhaps the greatest gift I will walk away from this conference with is the knowledge that so many people, in so many ways, with so much talent - are changing the world everyday. Wow, now that is exciting.
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