Thursday, October 28, 2010

Why donate to HBI?

Right now . . . somewhere in a small village, a squatter community, a city slum – a child has lost hope. The pain and suffering that they have endured for far too long have pushed them to the point of breaking.

Somewhere, right now . . . a child will begin a life on the streets.

Right now . . . somewhere in a small village, a squatter community, a city slum - a woman has taken her last beating. The pain and suffering she has endured for far, far too long has pushed her to seek a different life.

Somewhere, right now . . . a woman is desperate for new opportunities. Desperate for hope.

Right now . . . somewhere in a small village, a squatter community, a city slum - a young person is struggling with their sexual identity. They overwhelmed with fear that the life they so greatly wish to live will never happen. They are afraid that the life they were meant to live will get them killed.

Somewhere, right now . . . a young person is seeking the chance to become who they are meant to be. Right now they live in fear.

There is no way we can know how many children are in such situations. There is no way we can know the number of woman who suffer through domestic violence and abuse. There is no way we can know the total number of gay and lesbian young people who are struggling with their sexual and gender identities - without any guidance or support.

The numbers of people in these situations would overwhelm us even if we did have an accurate means of accounting for their needs. One thing we do know with certainty is that it will take more than one person, one organization or one idea to shift the reality for a child, to break the bonds of abuse and oppression for a woman to free a young person from the pain of rejection and cruelty.

It will take a community. It will take people committed to working in their own countries, their own communities, their own neighborhoods. It will take a movement. This is what HBI is all about. We are shaping a movement.

We know that we cannot reach every child, every woman, every young person . . . and, we believe that we can empower everyone to reach every child, every woman, every young person. Through our healthcare outreach campaigns, our educational conferences, our trainings and our community surveys we are working to bring greater awareness.

We are working to build a community of providers, professionals and people dedicated to creating and sustaining change. We are working to build bridges that allow everyone to cross over and make a difference.

We are working to assure that one day soon no child will ever be without hope.

Please know that every penny we raise will be used to its highest extent. Please know that the work you are doing to help HBI build our capacity – is work that will make a difference in the life of a child without hope, a woman without support, a young person without resources.

Please know that you are helping to change the world – by building bridges and empowering communities.

Thank you.

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