Sunday, September 25, 2011

HBI Website Overhaul

We have been working with a fantastic public relations and media promotions firm (PacWest). Their insights and professional knowledge are tremendous. One of the ways that they are helping HBI is with our Bridging the Divide 1ookm run event.

PacWest has told us we need to overhaul our website. They are right. HBI has grown tremendously in the past 5-years, but our website has remained relatively static. This overhaul is a fairly expensive (for a small non-profit) proposition.

I have been struggling to figure out how we can afford the redevelopment of our site. I have been trying to figure out how diverting money from our operations budget to pay for the overhaul of the website will enable HBI to better fulfill our mission. I have been worrying about where the money would possibly come from.

Then it became clear to me - the website is a significant tool for us to reach a broad base of stakeholders. The HBI website to a huge tool for disseminating our vision and our message. The website is a mechanism for us to build sustainable health in the lives of people living in extreme poverty.

So here is the deal, I am reaching out to HBI's supporters. I am asking for help. We need to redevelop our website - and in doing such we will be better equipped to expand our work. So, if you are inclined - please make a donation to help us expand and extend our reach.

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