Monday, October 31, 2011


HBI is an organization that was started, partly, in reaction to the idea that the world needs more clinics or more short term outreach projects. We believe that building bridges of collaboration is the most effective mechanism to source sustainable health outcomes in the lives of people living in extreme poverty.

We are now starting the long term work of defining exactly what collaboration is (and means) and how it truly, objectively sources health outcomes. We are working on the development of a guiding "manual" (or reference tool) that can be used by individuals and communities to coordinate and stimulate collaboration.

If HBI is to have a meaningful contribution to the multitude of efforts that are moving forward to provide health and social service opportunities to people living in extreme poverty, we must build a clearly defined model that we believe in and ascribe to. The next steps for our work is to define that model.

Stay tuned to the HBI website (we will be launching our new site in the next couple of weeks) and this Blog for more details on our "Model of Collaboration."

Thank you for all of your ongoing support!

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