Sunday, April 15, 2012

Spread the Word

I just spoke at Saint Paul's Episcopal Church in Salem, Oregon. There were about 35 people in attendance to hear my "song and dance" about HBI and our model of collaboration. It was really great to have a spirited group of interested people listen to me drone on for 60-minutes about HBI without falling asleep.

Seriously though, it got me thinking . . . we need to get the word of HBI, the message of our work, into the minds of more people. Aside from creating a "viral" message through social media - one of the ways to scale a message is through community based talks.

To this end, we are asking any of our stakeholders who may know of places where we can speak and spread the message of HBI to send your suggestions our way. We are interested in talking with community groups, institutions (I speak with academic groups all the time), faith-based communities and anyone who wants to hear about our model of international outreach.

If you know of a group or community who may be interested in hearing the message of HBI - please send your suggestions to HBI's Director of Operations, Mr. Benjamin Grass at

Thanks for all of your help.

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