HBI and Univision: With a base of operations for HBI in Portland, OR we are fortunate to a have a supportive Latin-American community. Our current ability to reach out to this burgeoning social structure has been at a snails pace thus far. However a few weeks back we received a fortuitous phone call from Roxy De la Torre el Rostro de Univision. Señorita de la Torre is the face of the nightly Latino news for the local Univision station. You may be familiar with the station as it is syndicated. You may have stopped on the channel to watch a minute of the constantly salsa dancing game shows or for the ever popular telenovelas, Spanish soap operas never lacking in machismo or melodrama. Srta. De la Torre contacted HBI for an interview as Univision Portland has a nightly segment called En Comunidad or In the Community. The gracious host’s connection with HBI is that she was born in Cusco, Peru and still has family living in Arequipa, Peru a city we spend several times a year in. She was excited to help make a Connection between our international outreach and the local Latino community. We saw this as an incredible opportunity to speak to a larger audience with a megaphone instead of a one on one conversation. A community we have yet to make a steadfast Connection with.
We prepared for the 3 minute segment ad nauseam with the expectation of time to discuss how the interview would play out, maybe an opportunity to have a second take, or read from a teleprompter. As is with our outreach trips we took a deep breath and uttered the words ‘be flexible’. Neither of us was overwhelmed by the studio lights, camera or action, yet somehow our gringo tongues were not nearly as silver as we expected. Nonetheless, post production of the piece faired on the gracious side, which if you would like to see, click on the link below. Follow the page half way down on the left side you will see a box labeled En Comunidad. On the right of the box you will find Health Bridges International, Inc.
We must give a great big thanks and abrazo to Señorita De la Torre for her effort and time. She is a social maven we hope to share a continued Connection with indefinitely.
Univision Link: http://kunptv.com/
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