Saturday, June 12, 2010

One week and counting

Our team will be arriving to Peru in one week. This weekend has been a whirlwind of activities and shopping trips. We have had last minute supplies to purchase, money to wire, and plans to finalize. Tomorrow we pack the extra bags of supplies and confirm travel plans.

I am off to a conference in Seattle on Monday morning and will be returning to Portland on Wednesday night . . . just in time for my very early flight to Lima on Thursday.

The next few weeks promise to be an exciting and life altering time for many of our trip volunteers. We are bound to encounter many challenges - but also experience many triumphs. By the end of the two+ week campaign - everyone will be changed.

Please stay up-to-date on our whereabouts and group adventures at the HBI BlogSpot.

As always - thank you so much for all of your support.

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