Thursday, December 15, 2011

HBI's First Health Professions Scholarship Recipient Graduates

Photo: Dra. Paola, Roberto (her husband) and Beto their son

Photo: HBI's very own Dr. Daniel and Dra. Paola

Photo: A very happy family

Dra. Paola Bueno Rojas graduated from Dental School on December 13.

Dra. Paola is the first recipient of the HBI Health Professions Scholarship program. During her time in Dental School, Dra. Paola volunteered with HBI on medical and dental outreach campaigns, helped with HBI related projects in the capacity of a dental student and interpreter (Paola also attended a prestigious English training program for four years under an HBI scholarship and holds a teaching certificate in English instruction) and helped to recruit other dental professionals to participate in HBI supported activities.

Dra. Paola will begin her internship year in January and will be working with HBI to help deliver desperately needed dental services to impoverished communities in the Lima area. We hope to use Dra. Paola to help recruit a "team" of Peruvian dentist who will work with other Peruvian NGOs to deliver dental services to impoverished communities. Our goal is that Dra. Paola will develop a "Dental Providers for the Underserved" group in Lima.

We are very proud of Dra. Paola and look forward to working with her to build bridges of support throughout Peru.

Thank you to all of the donors and supporters who contributed to Dra. Paola's education and professional formation.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Back in Portland

Ben, Martin and I are back in Portland after almost 24-hours of travel.

We are tired, a little sore from being crammed into a full coach flight from Lima for almost 10 straight hours, but we are really happy with the results of the inaugural Bridging the Divide event.

We will be resting for the next couple of days and then really planning the next steps for the I Am the Bridge campaign and our Bridging the Divide event in 2012.

A very big thank you to all of our supporters.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Bridging the Divide - Recap

We started our adventure in Lima one week ago. Our goal was a lofty one - to use two 50-kilometer runs in the principle cities of Lima and Arequipa to draw attention to the great economic, social, and physical divides that exist between the 'haves' and the 'have nots' in Peru.

The run courses were challenging physically and emotionally draining. Our run in Lima started in one of the poorest areas in all of Latin America. We circuitously worked our way through some of the wealthiest neighborhoods and finished on the steps of the Municipal building in the historic District of Rimac.

Throughout the run we drew attention from on-lookers, support from the various Districts, and collaboration from our many partner organizations. On multiple occasions we were presented with a different commemorative t-shirt to mark our entry into a new part of the city. It was a festive experience that really help to draw together the various communities we traversed.

In Arequipa our course was almost overwhelming. We started our run in the area where our long term partner Father Alex Busuttil and the Missionary Society of St. Paul run a model community program. Standing in the dirt of this extremely impoverished community, we received a send-off blessing from Father Alex before plunging almost 2,000 feet to the bustling market center of the city.

At the Mercado Avelino Caceres we stopped to meet with the street children who are a part of the Educadores de Calle program. The 20+ kids were all crammed into a little second floor room playing board games and bingo. They were so happy to see us. Happy because our arrival meant they were the recipients of cookies and candy.

After a brief visit with the children and a couple of photos, we were back on our feet and running through the heavy Saturday traffic of the market. From there, we snaked our way up to the most challenging portion of our run course - an almost 1,700 foot climb to the top of the impoverished District of Mariano Melgar.

From the summit of our climb we could see the entire city of Arequipa. Our vantage point allowed us to fully appreciate the enormity of the area and the vast differences that exist between the 'rich' districts and neighborhoods and the impoverished communities.

Dropping down from our perch overlooking the massive city, we ran over lesser climbs for another 20-kilometers through the Districts of Miraflores and Selva Alegre before ending our run in the city center at the Plaza de Armas and the Bascilica of Arequipa. On the steps of the Cathedral we were greeted by a small group of supporters and provided cold water and a series of friendly handshakes. 100-kilometers run over 4-days - we did it!

The runs were, however, secondary to our goal of drawing more attention to the needs of the poor and the opportunities that we all have to "build bridges" to help close the gap that exists between the 'haves' and 'have nots' of the world.

We know that the Bridging the Divide event is only the beginning. The real challenge will be to take the interest and enthusiasm generated from the runs and turn it into actions. Over the coming weeks we will be working with our partners in Peru to build effective programs and projects that allow more Peruvians to volunteer their time, energies and talents.

The donations received from this event will help these efforts. Please support us and "Be the Bridge" for change. Thank you!

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Oh yea - we did it!

Photo: The final push down Santa Catalina Street in downtown Arequipa - a special thank you to our Peruvian police escorts

Photo: Ben and Wayne

Photo: All Around Nice Guy Martin "The Hero" Peters

Photo: No really, how much further?

Photo: The start - Tres Hombres

Photo: We did it! Standing with our reception team and the Peruvian artist who painted a wonderful picture to commemorate the Bridging the Divide Run

Today started at over 9,000 feet above sea level. We planned to run down to just slightly above 7,000 feet and then ascend back up to almost 9,000 again. In between there were a number of hills, many feral dogs, a tremendous blazing sun and the dirt roads of the Pueblos Jovenes. Oh yea - and a really bum toe and a runner with bad (I mean really bad) diarrhea. And, in spite of all of these challenges - we did it!

Today was an amazing experience with a fantastic group of guys (Martin and Ben - you two rock) and an unbelievable support team (Dr. Bob, Dr. Daniel, Hugo Blanco, Natalie, Ivy, Adan, and Father Alex).

Thank you to everyone who made the Bridging the Divide 100 Kilometers for Change event possible.

Arequipa Run Day

Arequipa run morning -

We thought we would start run number two with little fanfare. Our hope was to leave the impoverished community of "Sector B of the 1st of July" and gently make our way onto the 50km course.

Well - this morning I awoke to a truck driving around the neighborhood where we are staying blasting a loud speaker announcing the "Grand Marathon of Three Gringos." So much for an anonymous start.

A big thank you to everyone for all of their support.

What for updates throughout the day on the I am the Bridge website:

Friday, December 9, 2011

Video - on the way to the TV Interview

Video: On the way to the Bridging the Divide TV interview in AREQUIPA with Father Alex and the running team.

Press meetings and interviews - today was a long day

Photo: Dr. Daniel Bueno, lawyer, promoter and trusted press agent for HBI

Photo: Adon - Trusted friend of HBI, Bridging the Divide driver, navigator and all around great guy #2

Photo: Benjamin live on the radio

Photo: Benjamin and "All Around Great Guy" Martin in a TV interview

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Photos from the Lima Run

Photo: Downtown Lima - almost there.

Photo: The finish line and the final reception.

Photo: Running with our friends from the military academy; they were a life saver for the last 4km.

Photo: Martin "All Around Great Guy" Peters

Photo: The wall - I hit it hard.

Photo: With congresswoman Cuculiza in the Plaza de Armas of Lima - almost done!

Photo: Ben - ever the faithful documentarian with his camera

Photo: Running down the middle of the street with the Mayor of San Borja and members of the city running club.

Photo: The Mayor of Miraflores at about the 20km mark of the run.

The First 50km - LIMA

Surreal is the only word that has the power to truly describe our experience yesterday in Lima. For almost six hours we ran through some of the busiest areas of the city. Areas of great wealth and immense poverty. We ran with groups of children. We ran with mayors. We ran with movie stars. All of this with an escort of ten police motorcycles and a caravan that included a lead police vehicle and a series of following support cars. We literally shut down the streets as we ran through busy intersections and along major thoroughfares. It was . . . amazing.

From the very start of the run we all three knew this was going to be one of the days in our lives we would never forget. Our first event was a large send off in the community of Villa Maria Triunfo. There was a band, a reception with over 1,000 people and words of support from the mayor.

From the “opening” ceremony we were bused up the hill into one of the poorest areas in all of Latin America (Las Pampas del Virgen del San Lourdes). An area where most all of the households survive on less than $2 dollars per day. Our run started with an additional rousing overture from the band and the ceremonial dropping of a start line. We ran for the next 5-kilometers down hill with a group of some 25 children. It was . . . amazing.

Our run winded us through the Pueblos Jovenes of San Juan de Miraflores and the inner city community of La Victoria. Over our 50-kilometer adventure we would run through districts that are literally separated by a few kilometers - but representing very drastic differences in socioeconomic status. Our goal for the run was to "bridge" communities together through a common understanding that we are all agents for change. Our goal for the Bridging the Divide event is to invite more Peruvians to become the bridge in their own communities.

The first real challenge came as we exited the affluent community of Miraflores. After a brief greeting from the mayor of this very important coastal neighborhood, we ran down a long commercial highway. It must have been 400 degrees Fahrenheit! At least it sure felt like it. From there we circuitously made our way through the neighborhood of Surquillo before entering the community of San Borja.

In San Borja we were greeted by the mayor and his team of Peruvian horses. The roads were completely closed as we ran to the Municipal Hall to be joined by a group of some 25 athletes from the San Borja Running Club. From there we ran 6-kilometers with a new team of compatriots, an escort of press vehicles, and our caboose of show horses. There were people lining the sides of the streets cheering our strides; and at one point a roadside band greeted us and a duo of stilt elevated clowns. It was . . . amazing.

The next 20-kilometers were, in one word, painful. The sun, the heat, the humidity, and the miles – everything started to conspire against us. Thankfully we had a fantastic support team (Carmencita, Hugo-Blanco, Dr. Bob, Billy G, Eloy and Dr. Daniel). They loaded us up with fluids, energy foods, and words of encouragement. Before we knew it we were arriving into the city center and the historic part of Lima.

We ran around the Plaza de Armas, through balcony-lined streets and over the river and into the District of Rimac. Our Rimac run included a series of laps (we had to make certain our run met the full obligation of 50-kilometers) around a few colonial parks with a group of some 50 cadets from a military school.

We ended our 50-kilometer adventure in the Plaza of Rimac, where the Mayor and his personal staff greeted us with a festive reception. The whole day – from the start in Villa Maria Triunfo to the navigating of the busy streets of Lima – was a fantastic experience. We hope that through this effort we can truly demonstrate the power of collaboration.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Set for the Run

Tomorrow is run number one. We are in Lima, we are excited and we are ready to go.

Follow our progress and watch video and photo updates on-line at:

A couple of new media posts have been added, see: and

Thanks for all of your support -

Monday, December 5, 2011

Bridging the Divide - Lima Press Conference, Day of Event

Photo: The front table at the event - famous Peruvian congresspeople, athletes, artists, singers - and then there was me.

The Press Conference for the Bridging the Divide was this afternoon and . . . it went spectacular. We had a room filled with press and invited guests (a few famous television actors and musicians) and a staged filled with political and entertainment dignitaries.

The real test of the success of our Press Conference will be in the coming days. Will we get any newsprint media to pick-up the story and write an article? Who knows. One thing we do know is this - our message - is getting out there and people are excited to work together.

Pasted below are my remarks from the event (don't worry, I did not read this entire 'novel'). Rather I asked people to consider how they might become a bridge in their own lives. I asked people to take on the challenge of becoming change agents in their own communities. I asked people to become the Bridge!

Thank you for all your continued support -

PRESS CONFERENCE REMARKS, December 05, 2011 - Thank you for being here this afternoon. We are excited to tell you about our inaugural Bridging the Divide event, but before we do that – a few acknowledgements must be made.

We are humbled by the support we have received from a number of very notable dignitaries, business leaders, sports figures, actors and artists. Support from congressmen and women, the Minster of Health of Peru, the Mayors of San Borja, Rimac, and Villa Maria del Triunfo and from a number of famous Peruvians. Irregardless of vocation, all of these people are Bridges – who share the conviction to make a difference in the lives of their fellow Peruvians.

We especially want to thank Congresswoman Karla Schaefer Cuculiza for her support in putting this important project together. Congresswoman Karla has been making a difference throughout Peru in the work of her NGO and the many civic charities she is involved with.

A special thank you to our collaborating partners, organizations and individuals who are building bridges everyday in Peru. Organizations like: Minestra de Inclusion Social y Desarrollo who work with marginalized groups around the country to provide support and advocacy, the Peruvian Ministry of Health who has invested heavily in making the health of all Peruvians a major priority, Union Biblica del Peru and their work with abandon street youth, the Anglican Church of Peru and the efforts of their NGO to bring health and social services to the poorest Peruvians, the Catholic Church and the Missionary Society of St. Paul and Father Alex Busuttil who runs a model program that provides daily feeding, on-going medical care and social supports to a community of almost 30,000 people in the Alto Cayma area of Arequipa, Vida Peru a Peruvian run organization that strives to bring equipment and health care professionals to the poorest areas of Peru, and OPRECE a blindness prevention program run by Dr. Daniel Bueno Rojas and Dr. Francisco Cisneros that provides desperately needed eye surgeries for marginalized people all over Peru.

Finally, we are very appreciative for the participation of the media. Your attendance at this Press Conference is vital to the success of disseminating this Bridging the Divide event. We hope you find our story to be one of hard work together for the betterment of all our brothers and sisters.

The inaugural Bridging the Divide event is rooted in our belief that there is a moral obligation to bridge the economic, social and physical distances that exist between the rich and the poor.

Our message is simple – I am the bridge, you are the bridge, we all must be the bridge to create change. There are a record number of government programs, non-governmental organizations and concerned citizens dedicating their time and resources to working with the poor. For the past few years, Peru has been growing at a record rate. This economic prosperity, however, has come at a significant price; and that price is the growing gap that exists between haves and have-nots. The wealthiest socioeconomic sectors of Peru’s society enjoy a level of economic freedom never before seen. And yet, today, over 50% of Peru’s population lives in poverty. And, it is estimated that over 19% live in abject poverty - living on less than $1.00 per day.

I picked up a “Peru 21” newspaper boarding the plane from US to Peru two days ago and I was struck by the front-page article. The article outlined the massive changes occurring over the last 5-years in the housing market of Lima. More and more Limenos are purchasing homes. More and more Limenos are living in places like Miraflores, San Isidro, Surco and San Borja, and more and more Limenos are purchasing their dreams. However, that dream of home ownership and the freedom that comes having economic equity is not making its way into the lives of people living in places like San Juan de Miraflores, Villa El Salvador, and Villa Maria del Triunfo. People, separated by only very short physical distance, live in shockingly different worlds. The challenge is to narrow the distance between these worlds and build bridges of support to serve the needs of every community.

Please don’t get me wrong – massive economic changes have occurred in Peru for the better. The middle class is growing at an accelerated rate. The gap between rich and poor, and between Lima and the rest of the country, is also shrinking.

There is, however, a challenge to this economic enhancement. The new wealth of Peru has not been evenly distributed to all Peruvians. In the pueblos jovenes life is a daily struggle. For some of the poorest communities, less than 25 percent of homes have access to running potable water. This can all change. A different picture can emerge.

I want to tell you a story. A story about a beautiful young Peruvian girl who has changed my life.

Her name is Ines and she suffers from a very rare skin condition. A condition so rare that there are estimated to be only a few cases in all of Peru. This condition causes her skin to blister and peel off in sheets from the slightest trauma. The simple act of walking or eating causes the development of painful blisters on the soles of her feet and the roof of her mouth.

For most of her young life she has suffered with an enormous amount of daily pain. Through the generosity of a donor group in the United States, HBI has been able to help Ines and her family. Donations have been used to make desperately needed repairs on their impoverished home, money has been used to pay for private school (Ines was told she could not attend public school because their was a concern she was contagious), and resources have been mobilized to help stabilize her condition. There is no cure for her diagnosis. But there is hope for a better life.

Thanks to the support and leadership of Reverend Pat Blanchard and the Anglican Church, today the program that was originally developed to help Ines has been expanded to provide support for a whole group of medically fragile children. By working together with

The problem with this story – there are thousands of children with medically fragile conditions. On any given night there are hundreds of thousands of children working and living on the streets, and there are millions of children living in poverty, whose families may have lost hope that their children can live in a different reality. Our hope is to assure that every child has access to the services they need, the services they morally deserve, by building bridges.

This dramatic change will not come from any one organization; and, it will not come from money alone. It will only come from a collective response. A response that has organizations working together to share their resources, their ideas, their skills and their talents to better the lives of people living in desperate poverty. Change will happen . . . but only through collaboration.

Why, you may be asking is an organization based out of Portland, Oregon in the United States here, in Peru, telling this story. Why are three “gringos” running 100 challenging kilometers through some of the poorest areas in Lima and Arequipa?

Why? - Well, for the 3 of us running – the answer is quite clear. We are committed to our work in Peru – and, we recognize that the only way we are going to truly make a difference is to mobilize more Peruvians to become the change agents. 3 things: It is a small demonstration that the physical distance between Villa Maria del Triunfo and San Juan de Miraflores is a short distance reachable by foot, but the individuals living in these areas are worlds apart. Second, is to raise money for our organization all of which will continue supporting the work of our Peruvian partners. Lastly our commitment is not only to mobilize ourselves, but all Peruvians to act as change agents in their own communities.

HBI’s commitment to empower local leaders to better serve the healthcare needs of the poor and underserved, means that we need to help mobilize more resources to our partners. This two-event run will bring greater attention to the needs of the poor and highlight opportunities to better support Peruvian organizations.

Mario Vargas Llosa commenting on violence and atrocities of the terrorist movement, wrote "[the war] did not leave innocents; we were all stained, by action or by omission." If we choose not to help, or if we don’t pay attention to poverty at all, we are not innocent, we are all stained. In tough economic times our collective actions will help to remove that stain and help to extend the reach of our resources. By working together. By collaborating our resources – our talents, our skills, our knowledge, our ideas – we can help to dramatically re-shape the lives of people living in extreme poverty. We can continue the process of ending extreme poverty in Peru, but we can only do this together.

We invite you all to run with us, to create change with us, to build bridges with us. Yo soy el Puente.

We appreciate the support we are receiving to make this event, these runs, a reality. We invite everyone to join us on December 07 at the Plaza de Armas of Villa Maria del Triunfo in front of the Municipality building at 7:30 am for the introduction of our Lima Bridging the Divide 50-kilometer run.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Getting Ready for the Run

We made it to Lima and we literally hit the ground running. We arrived very late last night (actually the wee hours of the morning) and slept-in this morning. Around noon we hit the road for a training run. The temperature and the humidity are going to be a challenge.

Coming from the U.S. and winter, to Latin America and summer means we are in for a shock. We are loading up on fluids and making certain to get plenty of rest.

Tomorrow is our Press Conference at the Peruvian Congress. We are expecting quite the crowd. We will be filming part of the event and posting clips on this site and HBI Facebook page.

Tonight, I am finalizing the remarks I will say at the Press Conference, Ben is helping to edit a promotional document, Hugo is putting together 50-copies of the video we will use to promote the event to the press, and Daniel is running around attending to all of the last minute details.

Wow - this is going to be one full week. Here we go . . .

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Univision TV Interview

Check out this interview (ú) with HBI's Director of Operations (Benjamin Grass) talking about the upcoming Bridging the Divide event. Nice work Ben!

Bridging the Divide

Photo: Hall of the Republic in the Peruvian Congressional Building - the location of our December 05 Press Conference

And away we go . . .

Ben and I leave tomorrow for the Bridging the Divide events. Martin will be joining us in Lima on Sunday. Needless-to-say, the final preparations for the events are unfolding at a harried pace.

We are looking forward to the Press Conference on Monday and hope to generate a great deal of interest and excitement about the events. We will be posting video updates from the Press Conference along with all of the media related activities next week on the Bridging the Divide Blog.

Thank you for all of your on-going support. If you have not already, please consider donating to the Bridging the Divide project and following our running progress at: I am the Bridge